WELCOME TO CAREER CONNECTION: KPU's exclusive online job posting system.
Please enter your username (this is your e-mail address) and password.
Make sure you add
careers@kpu.ca and
careerconnection@kpu.ca to your list of accepted email addresses. Auto emails from us may get rejected by your organization's firewall as it is often seen as spam. Trust us, it's not spam!.
If the system gives you an error saying that you already have an account, do not register using a different one, use the "Forgot Password" button to send an email to that address that gives you the password and access to your account. If you do not receive an email within 30 seconds please email careers@kpu.ca to manually reset it for you.
If you are encountering technical difficulties, please email careers@kpu.ca for assistance.
You have not logged in from using this device before. Please enter your PIN below to verfy your identity. If access to this device is limited, (not a shared computer), you may enter a device name below and skip this step in the future.